Robert Anton Wilson has been one of my favourite authors for quite a few years. It all began on the 23rd of February 2006 when my copy of Cosmic Trigger 1 arrived in the post. In many ways, that book changed my mind and the way I thought from the moment I read it. Well, it was either that or the sheets of acid I was eating regularly at the time. I then delved into The Illuminatus! Trilogy some time after, which was a real mindfuck!!! I always find Robert Anton Wilson's work highly optimistic, which is why it has appealed to me for some time.
I do wish I'd read his Prometheus Rising first - this is a beginner's manual on how to operate the human brain, a nice & easy read. Wilson uses Timothy Leary's 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness as a map/guide for the user and introduces exercises at the end of each chapter to break down the user's 'reality tunnel'. This book covers a wide range of topics related to manipulating consciousness and how the mind works, such as yoga, magick, philosophy, mind-altering drugs, sex, isolation tanks, brain washing, religion, quantum physics, etc.
Of course, quite a few years have passed since Wilson wrote the book and many of his predictions have not come true, whilst others have. I can also say I don't agree with some of his maps, but again Wilson states that these are his own and encourages users to drop their old reality tunnels, create new ones at will and learn from other people's ones. This is supposed to help the reader understand the concept of militant agnosticism, not just about God but about everything.
To sum it up - this is essential reading for every domesticated primate who owns a brain, for anyone who wants to make the most of their mind and for anyone who has ever wanted to find out who is the maker that makes the grass green... ;-)